Kelin Backman of Sonoma County based E(Vent) Creations and I arrived on Thursday to set up around noon.
Kelin, Vanessa Hauswald, the other co-owner of E(Vent), and I arrived Friday around 10am Friday morning to apply our finishing touches. We set out our marketing materials and ventured out to the San Francisco Flower Mart to pick up gorgeous bundles of Tuberose that left a wonderful scent all around our booth. The festival kicked off at 2pm and as visitors trickled in, we all started to become aware of what a great opportunity participating at this festival was going to be.
Over the next 3 days we had many visitors: potential clients, new vendors, members of the press, job seekers, and generally interested people in what exactly is a “Green Event” (including a few skeptics). The three of us easily maneuvered around each other explaining our companies methods and purpose, sharing tips and educating the public on how they can either use our services or take our tips home and green their own events. We were able to take turns venturing out of the booth to visit other vendors and watch some of the informative speakers presenting at the festival.
Come Sunday at 6pm, we started packing up and were able to leave our booth spotless in 40 minutes with only creating 1 bag of trash, of which half was compostable, from the entire weekend.
Our two companies and three ladies left the event tired, happy and very excited about all of the doors our participation in Green Festivals opened up for us. It was also wonderful to know that both our companies compliment each other well and I hope for future collaborations in the future! We are definitely planning to come back next year.
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